Sunday, May 4, 2014

Installing Pygame Subset for Android on Windows 8.1

I documented an epic tale of installing pgs4a on Windows 8.1.

Although it took more time than I anticipated, I successfully installed a Pygame application from Windows 8.1 to my Samsung Galaxy Note 2.

 I previously wrote about Shems Eddine tutorial on pgs4a installation and always assumed that the process was easy on Windows.  Wow, now I realize that there are a few hurdles.  Although several people had asked me about pgs4a installation and configuration, I could never replicate these problems on Linux.

I was able to install a rudimentary version of Asteroids that my son and I are working on.  A big part of the lesson is using sine and cosine to rotate the ship in all 360 degrees.

I've also been encouraging him to move to PyCharm.

The screenshot below shows how to start android.bat from within the pgs4a\android-sdk\tools\ directory.

View of the Android-SDK package manager showing the API 17 packages installed.