This woman has 83 videos on using GIMP on her YouTube channel, Your Favorite GIMP Teacher!
I've watched 1 out of the 83 so far.
Below is the result of my 10 minutes with GIMP.
We worked together, played together, partied together, slept 10 to a hotel room for trade shows together, and in cases even lived together: I shared a house with three other Blizzard-folks which was the first of many similar dorm rooms scattered throughout Orange County, California.
Blizzard was working on at least four other games when I started on the Warcraft project, and as the company numbered only 20 everyone was mega-busy keeping those projects on track. It wasn’t uncommon for artists, programmers and designers to be working on two or sometimes three projects at a time, and of course our sole musician/sound-engineer, Glenn Stafford, worked on everything.After Patrick's blog, I felt that I wanted more information on the culture of video game companies. I ordered David Kushner's 2004 book called, The Masters of Doom.
v_axis = joy.get_axis(1)
x = int(h_axis * scroll_speed)
y = int(v_axis * scroll_speed)
if scenery_rect.left < 0 and x < 0:
scenery_rect.move_ip(-x, 0)
elif scenery_rect.left > 0 and x < 0:
scenery_rect.right = WIDTH
elif x >= 0 and scenery_rect.right >= WIDTH:
scenery_rect.move_ip(-x, 0)
elif scenery_rect.right <= WIDTH and x > 0:
scenery_rect.left = 0
if < 0 and y < 0:
scenery_rect.move_ip (0, -y)
elif scenery_rect.bottom > HEIGHT and y >=0:
scenery_rect.move_ip(0, -y)
The application revolves around this deceptively simple formula.
Y_screen = (Y_world / Z) + (y_resolution / 2)
There are numerous libraries that can handle the 3D calculations for the student. VPython is super easy to use. Perhaps we'll revisit 3D projection after my students gets further along in math.